Vaka Tautua Raises Awareness on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day


Vaka Tautua is marking World Elder Abuse Aware Day today by running information sessions on abuse and neglect with the more than 350 older peoples who attend its Matua Ola Manuia (Older peoples) day programmes in South Auckland. The day is part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Week which runs from 15 to 22 June. The theme this year is “Elder Abuse hits close to home.”

“In our Pacific community, we don’t really like to talk about it (elderly abuse and neglect)… or admit it’s there… but unfortunately it is,” says Vaka Tautua Aiga Fiafia Team Leader, Suzanne Joseph. 

“Our talanoa [group discussions] is about giving our matua the information, so they know what it looks like… and if they need help, they know where to go.”

Vaka Tautua has been delivering the Matua Ola Response Service for Pacific peoples in the Auckland region since 2017 (formerly called the Elderly Abuse Response Service). Funded by the Ministry of Social Development, the service supports Pacific matua who are experiencing abuse and neglect, or at risk of abuse and neglect by providing free, confidential counselling and advice. Follow-up support is also provided.

Vaka Tautua Chief Executive Officer, Dr Amanda-Lanuola Dunlop, says the number of matua accessing the service has increased over the past year, with the organisation exceeding its annual targets. In July 2020 to June 2021, 89 matua accessed the service. The previous year it was 40.

“Our preliminary data suggests the increase is due to our matua’s increased awareness, confidence and trust. Awareness that what they are experiencing is abuse or neglect… awareness of our service… the confidence to reach out… and the trust in us, our organisation, that we will look after them and support them,” says Dr Dunlop.

“While one matua seeking help is one too many, we are glad we are here… that they are reaching out to us, and that we are able to help them and keep them safe.”

The first talanoa sessions with Samoan and Cooks Islands matua groups were well received. One matua said:

“Unless we stop the cycle over there, then it will continue throughout the generations.” 

Another matua said:

“We all have to do our part to stop this.”

The Matua Ola Response Service is a free service in the Auckland region. If you are concerned about elderly abuse – for yourself, a family member, friend, neighbour or work colleague – please call our free phone line 0800 MATUA OLA (0800 6288 2652)

Vaka Tautua is a national Pacific health and disability and social services provider with a strong regional presence in the greater Auckland, Wellington and Canterbury regions. It delivers disability, mental health, older peoples, social services and financial capability services.

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