Vaka Tautua Launches Accessible Website

Vaka Tautua launched its new accessible website this week, two weeks earlier than scheduled. This was to ensure peoples with a visual impairment have access to COVID-19 news, and are connected with Vaka Tautua and the wider community during the lockdown period.

“We are thrilled our website is now accessible to peoples with a visual impairment, and that Chris [DiMauro, website designer] was able to fast-track the design work for it us,” said Vaka Tautua Chief Executive Officer, Dr Amanda-Lanuola Dunlop.

“Ensuring our peoples with disabilities are connected, engaged and able to access key information is crucial, and even more so during COVID lockdowns, which can be an isolating experience.”

The website meets visual requirements such as those relating to colour, contrast, text, compatibility with assistive technologies, and overall ease of use. The size of text can also be adjusted directly on the website.

“Building the website to the accessibility guidelines posed a unique challenge, both from a design and functionality perspective,” said Mr DiMauro.

“But we are very happy with end result. It meets the accessibility guidelines while also maintaining elements of Pacific design which was important.”

Vaka Tautua staff member, Jacinta Tevaga, who is visually impaired provided advice on the design and its features.

Vaka Tautua is a national Pacific health and social services provider that delivers disability, mental health, social services, older peoples and financial capability services. It is the only national Pacific disability provider in Aotearoa.


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