Vaka Tautua Supports Calls for Focus on Young Carers

Vaka Tautua Ora’anga community support worker, Longo Matangi, and Anna Naua.

Vaka Tautua Chief Executive Officer, Dr Amanda-Lanuola Dunlop, supports calls for research into young carers in Aotearoa, and greater services and support. Recent reports estimate that approximately 40,000 young New Zealanders aged 15 to 25 are providing a significant level of care for family who are ill, disabled or struggling with addiction or mental health issues. New Zealand is ranked bottom of the global index for young carers. However, there is little research on the scale of the situation.

In a TV One News segment last night, Children’s Commissioner, Judge Andrew Becroft and researcher, Laura Doonan called for research to understand the scale of the situation. They also called for the Government to take action. 

“It hasn’t been logged in our office as a concern for the last nine years but it clearly is and we've been missing it,” said Children’s Commissioner, Judge Becroft.

Dr Dunlop (Ngati Maniapoto, Waikato Tainui, Samoan) said caring and looking after family is a cornerstone of Māori and Pacific cultures. Ms Doonan’s research highlights the need for a conversation about young peoples performing this role for family members who are unwell, disabled and elderly.

“There are many positives associated with this practice (young people caring for family members), like strengthened family relationships, connectedness, resilience… and that you know your family member is getting the best, culturally appropriate care… However, as Ms Doonan has pointed out, there are also negatives, like the impact this may have on our young peoples’ health and wellbeing, their ability to socialise and their education and learning,” says Dr Dunlop. 

“We need to understand what is happening, the scale… and importantly, what services and support are required so our unwell, disabled and elderly people can get the support they need… and our young people the space they need to thrive and prosper, but still be involved in the care of their family members… to maintain that cultural tenet which is core to our very being,” says Dr Dunlop.

Vaka Tautua is a national Pacific health and social services, provider. It delivers disability, mental health, older peoples, financial capability, and social services in the greater Auckland, Wellington, and Canterbury regions.

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