Our Stories

Kirsten Brown Kirsten Brown

Meet Manoa, Matua Coordinator for Otara’s Cook Islands Community

Manoa Tuatai, who turned 80 last month, is one of the treasured Coordinators for Vaka Tautua’s Matua Ola Manuia Day Programme. The programme helps our Pacific matua (older people) stay connected with their communities, and encourages them to lead active, healthy lives.

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Kirsten Brown Kirsten Brown

Keeping Pacific matua safe from elder abuse and neglect

Elder abuse is an issue that affects roughly one in ten seniors in Aotearoa, including many Pacific older people. To mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day this June 15, Vaka Tautua’s Aiga Fiafia Social Services team raised awareness in the community about what signs to look out for and how to seek help.

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Kirsten Brown Kirsten Brown

A welcome return for Pacific matua market days

Vaka Tautua, in collaboration with Pacific Homecare, yesterday held its first Matua Ola Manuia Market Day since December 2020. After a long wait due to the pandemic, four Pacific groups for older people came together to showcase their vibrant cultures and handicrafts in the highly successful event.

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